Curriculum Maps and Pacing
Pacing Guides
California has developed a curriculum guide which describes what students will learn at each grade level in all core subjects.
A glossary of curriculum mapping terms is available from Curriculum21.
- Engage NY has a pacing guide for grades K-5.
- Verona Schools is working on realigning all their curriculum and have a sample pacing guide.
- New York City Schools has a scope and sequence for K-8.
- Lyon School in Nevada has mapped a curriculum pacing guide (no activities but nice mapping of the understandings and procedures).
- The Dana Center has developed both year at a glance documents which span various grade levels and sequenced units for each grade.
- North Dakota has pacing guides for each grade level as well as a list of teacher identified challenging standards
- Georgia has written full units with great learning tasks for K-8.
- Copies of the curriculum map for each grade level at available below.
- Colorado has sample units for each grade level.
- Delaware has progressions for instruction at each grade level.
- Utah has units designed by the domains and grade level.
- Goshen, North Dakota has a template for planning units.
- Ohio has model units written for K-5.
California has developed a curriculum guide which describes what students will learn at each grade level in all core subjects.
A glossary of curriculum mapping terms is available from Curriculum21.