Manipulatives and Technology
Yyureka has compiled a list of manipulatives for K-2 and for 3-5.
- The National Library of Virtual Manipulatives offers free virtual manipulatives to help build understanding of key concepts. Interactivate has more activities worth checking out. PhET has still more options.
- Check out this Pinterest page of Math Apps for iPad.
- IXl online has practice games for students (20 problems a day are free).
- Learning tasks you can do at home can be found at NRich.
- Granite Schools have a great list of apps for math.
- Check out this Pinterest page of Math Apps for iPad as well as this app for Sketchpad.
- A teacher named Mr. Almeida has been producing math videos for all grade levels
- High School Math teachers might want to check out the free textbooks being developed at the Mathematics Vision Project.
- PBS has a collection of video clips from their show Cyberchase which are excellent. You may need to log in with a free account to access this list.
- N'Rich has activities to include in your instruction.
- Mathalicious is a pay service which provides multimedia problems for your classroom.
- Great site with links to a variety of interative web sites by topic.
Another great collection can be found here.