Great Reads
There are many resources available to help build your knowledge of mathematics and good teaching practices.
Math knowledge
Teaching Practice
Brain research
Common Core
Hungry for More?
Engage NY has a great list of reading resources.
Arizona has a great list of books worth checking out here.
Math knowledge
- Ever wondered about the impact of the teacher's knowledge of mathematics? Check it this article: The Effects of Teacher Mathematical Knowledge on Student Achievement and this article about Knowing Mathematics for Teaching.
- Carpenter, Franke, and Levi’s book, Thinking Mathematically (2003) is an easy read for teachers. Chapter 2 Equality is a downloadable free sample from the publisher.
- The full text of Adding it Up is available from the National Academies Press.
Teaching Practice
- NCTM has a research brief on the benefits of classroom discussion.
- Marzano's Research Lab offers great information about how students learn.
- Deltascape has in interesting blog, "What if we gave them the answers?" where they gave students the test answers and the students had to explain them.
Brain research
- Use current brain research to change the way your students think about mathematics. Students will become mathematically proficient more easily if they are thinking positively about learning mathematics. This topic is addressed in a recent ASCD publication: Willis, Judy Learning to Love Math; Chapter 1 Reversing Math Negativity with an Attitude Makeover. You can read all of chapter 1 online here.
Common Core
- In Phoenix Rising: Bringing the Common Core Mathematics Standards to Life, Wu makes a case for why CCSS are important and why effort needs to be expended in ensuring that the standards are implemented.
- Lauren Davis has written a great article on 5 things teacher can do now to prepare for Common Core.
- Dr. Robert Rothman has an excellent article on what will change with Common Core Math.
Hungry for More?
Engage NY has a great list of reading resources.
Arizona has a great list of books worth checking out here.